Thursday, March 1, 2012

Today's Obese Eating Habits

Surprising findings on obese eating habits. According to a new U.S. study, overweight people eat less frequently than those in the normal weight range, but do manage to take on board more calories per meal as well as being less active during the day. Normal weight people, including those who've lost a great deal of weight and successfully kept it off, eat more often.
Most research has found that those who eat more often have a lower body weight. Researchers are unsure why this is and wanted to know why some of those who've lost large amounts of weight manage to keep the pounds off, and followed around 250 people over a year, examining data that was collected as part of two very large National Institute of Health sponsored studies.
One study examined eating habits of those with a BMI of 25.0 to 47.0 (people classed as overweight or obese), while the second study included men and women of normal weight (BMI of 19.0 to 24.9) with around half of whom has lost at least 30 pounds and maintained this loss for over five years.
Generally, the subjects of normal weight ate three meals a day, and just over two snacks a day. The overweight/obese group averaged the same three meals a day but only one snack during the same period. Weight loss maintainers took in the fewest calories (around 1,800 per day) while the normal weight group ate 1,900 c`lories a day, and the overweight subjects consumed over 2,000 calories per day.
Researchers believe that having snacks might help keep weight from returning in those who've lost it by holding off the most intense hunger. You eat more frequently, so you just don't get as hungry as if you wait longer. If it's been 10 hours since you've last eaten, you'll end up consuming a whole lot more food.
Well planned, healthy snacks can be your best friend when it comes to weight loss, helping you hold off hunger and resist bingeing - the key is to choose your snacks (fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts, seeds, low fat dairy) wisely and avoid empty calories.
Also of note, those who maintained their weight loss were also more active, burning around 3,000 calories per week with exercise and other `ctivity that was part of their daily routine. The subjects within the normal weight band burned 2,000 calories per week, while the overweight subjects burned a paltry 800 calories per week with workouts.
Take home message - being very active and eating regularly is what really works to keep weight off.
We know that over 60% of U.S. adults are either overweight (BMI over 25.0) or obese (BMI over 30.0), and that few are getting the message that calories are what really count when it comes to losing the weight. Experts know that keeping your weight under control is all about balancing the number of calories you take in against the number your body burns.
As your weight increases so does your risk for life changing diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke, liver and gallbladder disease, cancers like endometrial, breast and colon, sleep apnea and breathing problems, osteoarthritis and gynecological issues. This is why it's so important to keep obese eating habits under control.

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